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Sabtu, 30 April 2011

New Korean Pop Group “TOUCH”


TOUCH KPOP (Taken From: http://thestar.chosun.com)
TOUCH adalah Kelompok K-POP boy  yang terdiri dari 7 anggota. TOUCH adalah akronim dari " The Original Undeniable Charismatic Homme (거부할 없는 원초적 카리스마 가진 남자)".

Let’s check out their individual profile.

Name: 한준 (HanJoon)
Position: Leader
Birthdate: 1990-01-30

Name: 준용 (JoonYong)
Position: Main Vocal
Birthdate: 1991-09-25

Name: 성용 (SungYong)
Birthdate: 1989-12-22

Name: 선웅 (SunWoong)
Birthdate: 1991-11-01

Name: 다빈 (DaBin)
Position: 막내 (Makne)
Birthdate: 1992-03-12

Name: 영훈 (YoungHoon)
Position: Rapper
Birthdate: 1990-11-27

Name: 민석 (MinSeok)
Position: rapper/dancer
Birthdate: 1990-08-15

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